Thursday, August 18, 2011

Restoring Our Historic Mansion


                                           Governor Perry, Please Finish
                        Restoring Our Historic Mansion

Governor’s Mansion
before the fire (top) and
after the fire (bottom)
          has been under restoration since the June 8, 2008 fire

By T. L. Wyatt Editor

Last week, Governor Rick Perry made the announcement that we all knew that he would, that he is running for the President of the United States. It was interesting, however, that he would make such an announcement outside of the State of Texas. Most politicians want to have friends and supporters around when they take such a huge step.
It could be that the Governor did not want to open himself up to the Texas media, one on
the toughest groups in the country. He also did not want to answer the questions that linger
over the recent legislative secession. But, my question is a very simple one
"Governor Perry, when will you complete the repairs of the Governor’s Mansion?"
The Mansion was damaged by fire during the early morning hours of June 8, 2008.
The 152-year-old building was unoccupied at the time, because the Governor
and his wife Anita had temporarily moved out a year earlier so that a $10 million
renovation project could take place. At the time of the fire, they were in Europe
on an economic development trip.
Four years later, the building remains in disrepair. At the same time, the tax payers of Texas
are paying an exorbant amount ($10,000 per month plus expenses) to rent the
governor and his family with a resident that comes up to his standards.
One has to wonder, if the Governor cannot supervise the completion of this small project
to a successful conclusion, how can he be expected to deal with the
many problems facing our nation.
The fire is suspected to be the work of an arsonist, but no prospect has been officially charged. However, the investigation continues.
The Texas Governor’s Mansion is the oldest continually used executive residence
west of the Mississippi, according to the group Friends of the Governor’s Mansion,
which works to preserve and show the public the historic building. According to their
web site, the restoration should be complete by late Spring 2012.


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